Unless you have been living under a rock, I am sure you have heard about Hurricane Irma. As of typing, Antigua, St-Kitts, Anguilla & Virgin Islands are about to get a beating by this massive Category 5 storm. I cannot stress enough how bad a Category 5 storm can be. Its been a few years since I have even spoken about a hurricane – that was nice. As a reminder, here is a visual depiction of the hurricane categories.

As you can see, anything category 3-4-5 is no joke!
Ok the good news first: The Cayman Islands, minus some rain this coming week-end should spared, unless some unexpected turn happens soon. However, the general consensus of forecasts are for it to continue going north-west towards Puerto Rico, the Turks & Caicos Islands, Bahamas and then possibly Florida.
Map is below – Cayman is, as of right now out of the danger zone. (see red arrow – lower left)

The bad news: My friends in the BVI, USVI will have a really bad day Wednesday. So is the island of St-Kitts which was the subject of my last post. Anegada in the BVI, which is the last post on this page, will also get a beating. It is low lying and has been completely evacuated. I have a really bad feeling about this system ; I am genuinely worried. Another reason I am worried: I am right now in the Turks & Caicos Islands – see blue arrow. Ooops! So I was supposed to be here all week till Saturday and on the smaller island of Grand Turk. So this morning, as part of my escape, I flew to the main island of Providenciales. Tomorrow, Wednesday I am supposed to fly to Kingston Jamaica from where I can catch a flight to Grand Cayman. That is assuming the flight even leaves – so far I am optimistic since Jamaica is out of the danger zone. Ill post more as this unfolds!
So here in Providenciales (“Provo”) people are prepping. Here are some things I saw today.
Sandbags are popping up all over the place. This is at the airport.

At the grocery store. Lots of people, but no panic or masses. Water is being purchased a LOT. Stores have put all of their stock right near the entrance and many people are leaving with a few of these.

Lots of places have their shutters up. This one of the local groceries. These are made of transparent lexan.

Same kind, but in metal.

So to wrap up this post, here are some nice pictures I took on the island of Grand Turk this morning and yesterday. Grand Turk is a small island with +-5,000 people. Ill be thinking about my friends there when the storm hits sometime Thursday PM assuming current forecast holds true.
The ocean front – the ocean was sooooo calm this week.

Lots of lovely pink flamingos – hope they will be OK 🙁

The wild donkeys I have featured a few times in the past! These guys should be fine. Their instinct will make them seek higher ground!

The sunset last night – really nice.

And finally a beautiful rainbow this morning as I was checking out of the hotel. Maybe this is a good omen? I hope so.

More posts soon. Hopefully from Kingston Jamaica tomorrow night.
Please keep the folks in the affected nations in your thoughts!
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