Sun 14 Jun 2009
Today I went scuba diving with two good friends of mine and some of their friends (was great to meet you all!) on the “North Wall” of Grand Cayman.
The wall is that there is a “dropoff” and you basically swim along the wall. The drop off is 4000+ ft deep. Imagine swimming over the edge of the Grand Canyon; probably the best comparison. You are basically swimming above an abyss ; its quite a strange feeling. So much water below; I guess its the closest feeling to flying one can get! Very nice.
The dive was spectacular ; turtles, eagle rays, lobster, moray eel, barracuda and all kinds of other stuff.
One of the three eagle rays. Quite big, very impressive sight. A definite highlight of the dive.
A very friendly sea turtle. It swam near the group for quite a few minutes.
A quite large barracuda. Very sharp teeth … they generally do not harm humans though.
Some interesting coral formations.
Lots of fish
Me! 🙂
Here are also some YouTube videos of the event. In the first one, we went down a cave. At the end of the cave, we are at the wall. Below is the 4000ft drop. The second one are the Eagle rays. (sorry about the beep sound in that one …)
Thanks Lee for letting me use your camera!
North Wall
Eagle Rays
Last of all … MANY more pictures at
Great pix & video!
Most amazing. I learned to dive, and lived on GC in 1983/4. I see little or no coral in the background of your photos, how sad. Things with holes are sponges. The corals here in the US Virgins are almost equally as dead. I am such a grouch!
Our seas need protection, but how??
Melissa, coral reef painter
Hi Melissa,
Actually the coral seemed in good shape to me. I also saw lots of black coral. The pictures of the coral I took did not come out well!
Nice pics! You sound like darth vader… 😉
It’s normal that black coral shots did not come out too well. You would need a very good underwater flash for it and a good angle (45 degree).