Sat 9 Dec 2017
Cayman Islands Marathon – Year 7
Posted by micho under Living in CaymanComments Off on Cayman Islands Marathon – Year 7
I am having trouble believing that I have ran this race (the half-marathon) 7 times now. It seems like just yesterday when I was the newbie running the first time, all the way back in 2011.
Same course and always at 5am which I love since I get to run in the darkness (minus street lights) for the first 80 minutes or so. I even have my little routine. I get up at 3am (yes i’m nuts) and immediately jump into my car and drive to my office (of course my gear is ready and in a bag) and get there around 3:20. Then I have a coffee, surf the Internet and take it easy till around 4:40. Then I walk towards the start line and get there about 10 minutes before 5am.
The race bib this year changed – for the better with a lovely picture of Stingray City. Note the “beer ticket”. For runners who need a drink after the race (on an early Sunday morning …), local brewery Caybrew provided everyone with a cold beer.
At the start/finish line, the same MC we have had every year for as long as I can remember did as always an awesome job. Its always a nice feeling to have your name called out when dashing towards the finish line.
At the finisher area ; all chatting and in good spirits (some surely on a runner’s high!) while having water, fruit and a Caybrew.
On my way back to my office for a quick shower, I saw the Cayman Compass photo booth. Of course I stopped in for a funny picture 🙂
Back from the office & shower, I went to the Intertrust VIP booth – not sure how I got on their list, but I am not complaining. Coffee, awesome breakfast, mimosa’s & the likes. Putting back all those calories I guess.
The course! We were lucky it was cool-ish and not humid. As for results: I finished the half marathon in 1h42min – I am very pleased. That places me 32nd in a field of 613 half marathon runners. Not bad for an old guy 🙂
One last item of interest. On November 29th, the population of Grand Cayman went from +-55,000 to 75,000. Around 20,000 people came ashore on 6 cruise ships. Glad I did not need to go to the harbor area that day. Great for tourism in Cayman though!