Sat 18 Nov 2017
This morning I needed (and wanted) to run +-15km in preparation for the 1/2 Marathon in 2-weeks time.
Instead of doing my regular run, I drove to the East End, while it was still dark, to see the sunrise and then my run. It was a bit cloudy (and quite windy) but still managed to get some nice shots.
I also tried my hand a doing a time capture. Not bad! Its a bit shaky but with the wind it was difficult to keep my phone standing up. Decent result for a first try. As you can see, quite a bit of cloud cover and the wind was moving them along swiftly.
And then the run, mostly along the Queens Highway – the end and the northern side of Grand Cayman and past the Reef Resort & Morritts. Only saw a few cars, 1 cyclist and one other runner. Nice & quiet run.