Tue 12 Mar 2013
I have seen this helicopter flying around for the longest time and figured it would be fun to go for a ride sometime. Well, today was the day. Any what a day it was … skies perfectly clear and plenty of sunshine.
Here was our ride for this trip. I had never taken a helicopter, so did not really know what to expect.
First off, across the Seven Mile beach “land” and over the North Sound and to Stingray City. Plenty of cruise ships in port today, so lots of people having fun with the stingrays.
Next, off to the North wall … essentially where the North sound meets the reef and then the oceanic drop-off. On the right is the North Sound (where is Stingray City) Then you have the barrier reef. On the left it gets progressively deeper. Where you have the stripes is +-60-70 feet deep and then the dark blue is >6000ft deep. The diving along the drop (called “wall diving” since you are diving along, well, a wall or a cliff into the abyss) is spectacular.
View from the chopper. I was directly behind the pilot, who is a chap from France called Jerôme. Quite a character! 🙂
Great view and colors around fisherman’s rock
Now back along Seven Mile beach ; always spectacular.
Great shot of the USS Kittiwake. This ship was sold by the US government to a group in Cayman. It was sunk in 2011 and is now a popular diving and snorkeling site. The Kittiwake was a “Submarine rescue vessel” and was in service from 1946 to 1994. The boat is just over 250ft long.
Great view from above the Disney cruise ship.
And finally a video of the takeoff. This will give you a good idea of how fun it was.
If you are in Cayman, I highly recommend this tour. The helipad is right in George Town and its a blast!
We did this last November and is was spectacular!! Great photos! Anne
Hi Michel: I just had a phone call from Paul who told me how much he enjoyed the heli ride. Thank you for giving him this experience. He speaks highly of you and says he is fortunate to have you as his mentor and boss. Paul’s Mum.
Hi Maureen,
Pleased to “meet” you!
It’s great fun to work with Paul.
If ever you are in Cayman, please make sure he lets me know and we could all go for drinks one evening.
BTW, it’s Micho (pronounced “Me-show”) and not Michel. But don’t worry, many people make the mistake 🙂
Hi Micho: My apologies for misspelling your name. It would be lovely to meet you someday. Meanwhile, I am enjoying your blog as it gives a unique and personal description of Cayman life. From your blog I realize we have something in common: a love of animals. I hope that the Humane Society will find a rich philanthropist who will contribute to a much needed new building. Maureen.
Hi Maureen,
I am glad you enjoy my humble blog!
You are correct. Both my wife & I are huge animal lovers. The humane society does need a new home ; it would be amazing if someone donated a large property or something along those lines. One can only hope.