All of you know I love to dive.  Well I am now ecstatic about a new attraction coming to Cayman.

Starting today, a dive operator just off Seven Mile beach will be offering shark dives.  In fact, just off the public beach and hotels, there have been many very large sharks sites, so that seems to have sparked the idea.

What they will do is attract them in close and let the divers go in and see them up close. During some dives, a few compelling pictures were taken with 16-ft bull shark.   Large tiger sharks were also spotted in the Seven Mile beach area.

Of course this has generated lots of excitement in the diving community.   Dives cost 40$ per dive and include the blood and guts that are fed to the sharks to attract as many as possible.

I cant wait to go diving with these massive sharks … next April fools day 🙂

PS : I have actually never seen any “real” sharks near Seven Mile beach (the below whale shark does not count).