Sun 1 Apr 2012
All of you know I love to dive. Well I am now ecstatic about a new attraction coming to Cayman.
Starting today, a dive operator just off Seven Mile beach will be offering shark dives. In fact, just off the public beach and hotels, there have been many very large sharks sites, so that seems to have sparked the idea.
What they will do is attract them in close and let the divers go in and see them up close. During some dives, a few compelling pictures were taken with 16-ft bull shark. Large tiger sharks were also spotted in the Seven Mile beach area.
Of course this has generated lots of excitement in the diving community. Dives cost 40$ per dive and include the blood and guts that are fed to the sharks to attract as many as possible.
I cant wait to go diving with these massive sharks … next April fools day 🙂
PS : I have actually never seen any “real” sharks near Seven Mile beach (the below whale shark does not count).
you had me fooled 🙂
Sheesh! You actually got me too, Micho. LOL
@Anne and Debby
Glad you liked it 🙂
You had me as well! Not nice Micho! 🙂
Good had me there. I was trying to figure out WHY they would do this off of 7 mile beach!.
Good one.
Micho~ I actually caught myself saying…”well, that will be the last time they’ll ever see me in the water on 7MB”! Phew!!!! Glad this is just an April fool’s joke! Good one, at that!! 🙂
Happy Spring!
haha. Thanks for all the comments. Glad I made everyone laugh. 🙂
Good one! We just arrived back on-island April 2nd, and you had us going for a minute!! –or two
I have never understood why hoaxes or April Fool’s jokes are considered funny, and this post exemplifies why. I have been enjoying reading your blog (got to it after doing a web search on the whale shark episode), but a stupid post like this that tries to prey on naive people will turn me away forever, to someone more mature. I have been diving in Cayman for 20 yrs, but since I can only make it down every 2-3 years, I briefly believed this. I trust other humans. Now what was the fun in this? I don’t think it was funny; maybe that’s how you get your kicks.
I am sorry you feel this way about my post. I respectfully disagree with you and definitely enjoy a good laugh, even when I am on the receiving end of these!
I hope that you can enjoy our warm waters sometime soon.