December 2007
Monthly Archive
Wed 26 Dec 2007
Posted by micho under
Living in CaymanComments Off on Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone.
Here are some pictures of a house about 5 minutes away from ours. On the front lawn, there were many displays and all the trees were full of lights. The public was welcome to stop and wander around to look. There were so many things to see that it took us about 45 minutes to check out the whole thing. Quite impressive.

This was his driveway

From the other side of the street ; I tried to get the whole property, but I could not get it to fit all in one picture. Gives you a good idea though.

Sun 23 Dec 2007
Posted by micho under
Living in CaymanComments Off on The eagle … errr … the in-laws have landed
Friday, Julie’s folks arrived in Grand Cayman for 3-weeks with us on our sunny little island. They unfortunately were delayed 4 days because of the massive snow storm in Montreal last week-end. They could only be re-booked the following Friday due to most flight being full with Christmas vacations & everything. Its their first visit to Cayman and so far they seem very pleased to be here and enjoying themselves.
On their first full day here, we took them to one of the most spectacular places in Cayman : Rum Point.
Notice the great Canadian “winter-white” skin color! 🙂

It was a spectacular day here in Cayman. Virtually no waves, light wind and blue sky.

We did a lot of snorkeling. About 100-150 meters out, there is a coral reef with lots of fish to be seen. The water clarity is fantastic; you can see for many feet around and of course down to the bottom.

Wed 19 Dec 2007
Posted by micho under
Living in CaymanComments Off on Tourist season in full swing
I had to go to a client today which was a bit too far to walk and actually got caught in traffic. When I got to the waterfront in Georgetown, I immediately saw why; there are 7 cruise ships in town. So say 2000 people (its probably more …) people fer ship, that means at least 14,000+ people walking around Georgetown which is not all that big. Considering Grand Cayman has a population of +-45,000 people, thats a lot of tourists in one day. Here is a picture I took with my Blackberry of 4 of them ; I could not manage all of them from where I was.
Great weather and Julie’s folks are flying in friday to spend x-mas & new year with us. Will be nice to have them over and do the “tourist stuff” like Stingray city with them.

Thu 13 Dec 2007
Posted by micho under
Living in CaymanComments Off on No show
Its a beautiful morning on the island of Providenciales in the Turks & Caicos Islands. I fly to Miami today and back to Cayman on friday.
Olga was a no show here in Turks, but may affect Cayman, although its not even a tropical storm anymore. Cayman will get lots of rain, nothing more.
Here is a picture of the beach at the hotel where I stayed in Turks. The beach is called Grace Bay and is located right next to the Club Med.

Tue 11 Dec 2007
Posted by micho under
Living in CaymanComments Off on This may get interesting
We just got a notice from hotel management (I am in Turks & Caicos for the week. See arrow on the puicture below) that a tropical storm is looming and that air transport may be disrupted. This is unlikely for me, since I fly out late thursday. By then the storm should be long gone.
By tomorrow there may be lots of wind & rain here. Stay tuned for updates. As you can see on the picture below, we may get hit by this thing. As of tonight there is some on/off rain and quite a lot of wind. It cant be too far. Funny thing is that when I left Cayman sunday, I looked at my umbrella and figured it would be useless in december. If it stays its course, it may get to Cayman friday. I may cut short my 1 day in Miami friday and get back to Julie in Cayman on thursday.
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